Brought some of my owned books downtown today while I purchased another at E. Shaver’s Bookstore near Madison Square.
Every so often on my former 15-30 minute breaks while employed, I’d go to the small local bookstore. Never know what you would find there.
Memories had as past things slipped through covers and carded with purchase that may practice restraint later. In a tight squeeze one must act fast and look before you leap confidently with placeholder material.
On my breaks, I would often go through the squares and around the block to have time to myself and catch fresh air. Often I wondered if my 30 minutes of clocked-out solitude was enough of a break to being constantly on my feet. Always thankful that eventually I was able to have a break like that starting around April 2021. It's always a privilege that could had been taken away just as much as 15 minutes based on business. Perhaps I’ve always connected with the bricks of Savannah even though slowly they have been replaced. Where did all the bricks go? Am I any different than them? …another brick on the street to be walked over without knowing it’s value? -Thoughts from the basement of The Scottish Rite.
I proceeded to follow the paths already taken where often I’d stop and notice things of interest. I decided to return to the intersection of West Charlton and Tattnell. A parting of ways where prior paths noticed of brick walkways from one side to the next. The former cobblestone in between long since removed, repaved and transformed.
I never understood the hesitation prior to not photograph what I noticed then, but today felt right in intention and artistic life value. Secret stories and expansions to be had in learned behavior and experience. Time holds true when barriers broken in expression and visual.
Is there a crossing coming where perhaps freed from where I was to where I could be? Data shows where things things break through and change yet here I am wondering what it means to test the waters.
A coping of things through storytelling and timing.
A landscape in other areas that paints an enviornment one way or another based on perspective.
A wrapped item of protection and awareness. #readday #redbrick #coveredgrounds
I would had post the images on Flickr, but my upload feature seems tp have glitched out over the last couple weeks. Love them though as my internet on my phone seems to not work outside the house basically making it a brick to wifi connections. One can never be too sure as prison walls of digital realms exist and have existed known for the last 4 years.
At least I found a way to listen to music at the gym with wired headphones and a phone from 2018-2020.
Hidden Wars Everywhere on the search for Peace and Answers. A few thinga over the years that one would “shit a brick” over.
Perhaps a sigh of relief?
Am I Hero? Villain? Anti-Hero? ….what is an Anti-Villain?!