They say that others have obituaries in the wings for when someone passes on.
A preemptive measure of what could be for what would be headlines… a would be scenarios where intel says one thing or another. At what point is it industry standard to write someone’s life as if they had passed?
It is understood that as we get older that our time will come. I imagine the conflict comes at any age from our vital 20s, 30s, to understanding 40s and even then still finding new ground. Our own voice will be eventually lost a conversation that has translated prior to the internet to questions of what gets left on a keyboard stroke for others to question. (I still contend I don’t delete things in the regards of 8 and questions there.) Eventually we are translated one way ore another and taken in what we represented to become something different for either original intention or for what others believe the message to be.
I imagine it is either a joy or a curse to see things go one way or the other, but always a shining attribute to throw yourself out there in any regard at any capacity and in any adversary.
Whatever the joy/remorse, it has grown to be completely contingent on the scenario, the influence and the corporation in ever throwing yourself out there and meaning something. The rest is where you could steer things, where they steer things and where just human life takes us anyways.
There is a difference between the 60s and now and there is no blurred lines as well in that regard in the symbolism of American history and social history in the present. Common ground is always had and always understood in relatability of associations, safe spaces and subtle connections.
I wrote one of my models today about trying something different with my work when it comes to representing a living actor who became an icon vs. anything fictional in my works. It is important to me then and now to know that there is a solid difference between people who threw themselves out there in one role or another vs. fictional characters open for interpretation. I rarely touch that area knowing whoever I represent in that regard are more than the role of representation and never our full privilege to understand.
I have only done that so few times. I’ve done it in this shoot where I speak of Nichelle Nichols at the forefront followed by Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner in what was culturally relevant in bromances and mirrored worlds. The only other times I’ve dared to touch it around the same time frame is with Sigourney Weaver in her Alien series role (which I showcased in New York City) and Carrie Fisher (represented through my mother) a day before her passing which scares the shit out of me in that connection. She is the only person of fame I have ever photographed as herself and who she shined in every capacity in. There is a strong standard of the utmost respect in that regard knowing she threw herself out there in faults afterwards while secretly fixing faults of scripts. Very crafty she was…never know where that input went in one way or another. I admire that she was honest and made light in seriousness. I guess that makes her the official first female Doctor Who knowing her British connection.
When it comes to people who are alive and play a part I respect that they gave something to the world but we are never entitled to their lives even though we know their names. We connected even if it was indirectly. Never is it an ownership to their lives as much as it is an acknowledgement that they influenced ours. I understand the sacrifice and the awesomeness of throwing yourself out there. I understand the vitriol and when others want to break you down in a way to not look at themselves. It is precarious there. It can be looked at as artist critique or could be taken very personal where I understand why most probably don’t look at the internet.
I’ve never been put in that situation before (I fondly remember a reddit thread that just showed aged and location) but for tonight I understand the bridge between Sigourney Weaver and Nichelle Nichols in roles and with an understanding as women in an industry. I understand “minorities” and those discounted one way or another through the ages. Between “Galaxy Quest” there is a bridge to “Star Trek” and always acknowledgement of wondering who designed this one way or another.
I wanted to approach my model today with a “Tell your story and I’ll tell mine” when it comes to an image. It is what I hold dear and is the most valuable thing I have to when digitally anything can be taken except for the life experience. My model was a personal friend and someone who was important to my life. All my Heroes+Villains were. I’ve never offered up those explanations socially in any regard and understand considering the circumstances, it is the last thing standing between digital theft and artist integrity for me. Discount an image, the makeup, model whatever you want to do. They exist…they did it first and they were appreciated by someone who absolutely was looking at things beyond cover value. Models can tell their story, but it is mine that is locked up in fighting digital battles across the World Wide Web. That word aspect is very contingent in contemporary art. By nature they are brands and I’m actually fortunate to say 10-12 years later I was proven right in that regard. The story and marketing is more meaningful in that realm.
One of my favorite moments of my life is talking art history naked and on a budget one way or another. Perhaps dateable at the time but we shouldn’t go into dated references.
I keep switching back and forth between my life and Nichelle’s (if I was afforded to call her that). That is what happens with icons and that is what happens when people represent things that go beyond their life and takes strength to overcome or to succeed through.
I find it appropriate to ask that question to my model and give the answer in this regards to Nichelle Nichols and what she represents. My work discounted at first glance and taken as haphazard, lazy or just not up to industry standard before even looking at the background of what it is, where it has been and what it tries to represent.
My Uhura shoot….
Let me begin…
Between the two official images I was gifted the home of other people who were hardcore Star Trek collectors to the point that they spent their money to make their “man-cave” the same as the bridge of the Enterprise.
The same owners were the ones that ended up hosting my “Ugly Simple Truths” exhibit and “Heroes+Villains: Lost+ Found” in Atlanta, GA. They provided a safe space and they provided their home to me for this photoshoot. The couple is denoted in Uhura tele-comming in the details of what happen on the Enterprise and what we do and do not say.
The images as they are were a part of my kickstarter funded “Heroes + Villains #3” where it was about reaching out and expanding in your environment as well as letting a garden grow that was nourished. Hundreds of people there and never a moment better than seeing kids connect with their heroes and villains before ever questioning the sexuality question knowing even that was played for an and illusion with the images.
Uhura to me was essential for that giant leap knowing what she represents. One of her crowning moments is always going to be the first interracial kiss televised on TV. That is strange for people to think of in this generation. Who would of thought that at one point “How dare one race kiss another?!”
Star Trek said one thing and that came in their “Mirror, Mirror” episode. It was the first time a televised interracial kiss ever occurred and came at a time where it was still unlawful to have a relationship in that regard. (I’m looking at you Supreme Court Rep. Clarence Thomas).
Where I wanted to transition it was into other mirrors at the time and what is, should be, would be, could be accepted. This was well before marriage equality and I did my part to make sure an industry leader was the first to support marriage equality the day it happened.
The audacity of an interracial kiss at the time. What abomination that was?! That is what the 60s were and that is the bridge between then and then when it comes to even begin to talk about love of someone of the same sex.
Conversations then of interracial marriage or attraction before going into same-sex attraction or even going back to what was going on in the 30s and 40s of straight up murder of people. Where do you want that conversation to go?
What television and movies did at the time was escapism. Still will be while also ringing you in on one thing or another that socially you need to deal with. The common thread is don’t fuck over people generally based on prejudice.
I refrain total disclosure to my images outside of this,
The strength of Nichelle Nichols is equal to the strength of George Takei in minorities trying to make it, made it and was accepted and make a difference. We can go to Scottish rite of the bridge to other realms to understand what was one of the most honoring achievements of my life to be recognized by any living artist in that capacity of what I was representing and understanding that was a first bridge connection.
It is important to respect those who pave the way for others and it is an honor to have those who have paved the way acknowledge me even at the time when my name was erased from what was presented.
In minority we stand together. In human understanding is perhaps the dream.
Those who paved the way have stories to tell one way or another. From Mexico to Japan and elsewhere in disregard and camps.
It was an honor to see those say it was my image and it was with the most amazing respect that George Takei took the time to respond to me saying “thank you” to him in what was amazing of his contribution of naming it “The Other Mirror, Mirror.”.
I think of the hardships either have had in their lives and what we were never exposed to or what they dared to challenge. I’m nothing in that regard, but I respect what it was then. Perhaps it is still there or perhaps it has evolved to other areas that become colorless in some regards while discontent exists.
I’ll love to add on if my model responds but for now this is the indirect collaboration of 4 people where all gave their lives to influence one way or another in the right direction.
In 2019 I had to give up my social media account because a company would not let me be or talk to me directly. With it I lost everything I worked for socially towards acceptance and understanding without them knowing I strove for a Heaven and wrote about it prior to coming back to ATL 2.0 where 3 years past to anything I knew then, guarded and protected in understanding of what the world is.
Does a phoenix mourn it’s past life?
It remembers it, but realizes in the social realm, one still existed and died in one capacity due to corporate invasions.
Where I remain is, I am still alive and still fighting what was impeded on then and what they thought they could get away with after my death or with my death.
There was another actress that passed tonight that should not be discounted in this regard…
Pat Carroll.
I’ve went through many Ursula images in my life. This was not the first one chosen. This is not the second one chosen. This was not the one in Days of Stonewall Past which promoted breast cancer awareness, but this is the one that was in my living room in Florida with all my other drag villain done in my fashion and standard prior to being picked up by the House of Ru in a different capacity.
Atlanta Commonality there. She gets me one way or anther and can show me the ropes of her tentacles ones way or another. A big difference with all the respect between realms knowing I sit my ass down with duct tape and watch accordingly in that regard.
To have another Carroll pass tonight is not a disregard in any aspect.
The connection is always in the Divine which was fully known then and acknowledged.
To be a part of a Renaissance is to be part of a new solution and not an old remedy. There is no ingenuity to the same thing played out one way or another. Especially in the take from the taken regard.
I’m aware what zoom entered into the arena. I’m well aware that there is nothing new in exploiting the shit out of someone discounted.
I can defer you to some old books that yet still have copyright issues now.
A trash bag of conversation in dark black-light settings.
To steal a voice is no longer to steal a generation…guess who read the user manual and by-laws to contracts of passion and impulse….