Curated Jellyfish: A Paradise Stolen Part 1. Available on for Sale. Hardback Only.
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Curated Jellyfish: A Paradise Stolen Part 2. Available on for Sale. Hardback Only.
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I have re-released my first long form narrative book, Curated Jellyfish yesterday on 3/12/2023. From what once was ‘A Paradise Lost’ in it’s original format now changed to ‘A Paradise Stolen’.
I republished Curated Jellyfish in 2 parts as a limitation of doing what I have to do on my own knowing I am limited to 460 pages of self-publish and easily with support the whole book could be 1 in it's full content. I thought of doing a softcover as well knowing each of these books are made to order and I only get 23 dollars from it but found this morning that it only knocks-off about 20 bucks from the retail price and I’ve been knocked off enough. So many books written and not available yet in my revamp. This is a beginning. I understand a publisher could easily make this 1 book and far more cost effective. That will play out in other books I have where I work with what I have and narrative upon narrative separated into parts and separated into individual books.
This book is what was protected legally by United States Copyright before I took a single class at SCAD and fought back for humanity from what occurred prior. I don't know the maximum damage done from either aspect of what occurred in Atlanta of Corporate to Corporate but I pray to anyone on the understanding of what occurred in my life that if Corporate to Higher Education Occurred that I have no withstanding for you.
Between these two hardbacks, proof and distinguished features of what Marvel, Disney and Warners impeded on or could had in other works already written knowing the damage and consequence then where in protection of The United States of America this never should had been allowed. That is based on other copywritten material not available to the public that I can stop gap any of their assets if I wanted to or if I died untimely and have that play out in probate and with The United States Government on ownership and allowance. If I was left to bleed out for years while knowing my intellectual property advanced other’s lives without my compensation, then it is understood the book was designed to advance people’s lives to begin with in coping and reformulation of thought. Any aspect of those claims can be fact-checked in this book. Fact-checked in the original and fact-checked with The United States Library of Congress. I’ve made it very easy to showcase what was added on and get into the passage of Time in such.
I stand where I stand knowing I'll release the sequel tomorrow in the same copyright protected fashion to also discuss that of mugshots and finish conversations of places not permanently invested in and what The United States already knows. It is always an election to choose to buy a book or not. The actions on it have occurred and this is me reclaiming my work and life and saying exactly what this book was as it contained ‘Brave New Secrets’ within it in the original format.
It took 6 versions and a great deal of protection to talk of the world building that came from it while exploring my life experience and where that goes in any direction based on environment direct or that of indirect.
This book I wrote to fight back from what the mind does after a suicide attempt based on others is complete and where that goes has already been all of Phase 4 of The Marvel Cinematic Universe before contemplating what was outside that company's interest and the damage done. The method inside of it is 100% copyright protected then, now and completed in Lorem Ipsum:Child of Someone.
Only the first 15 pages of Part 1 are available to be previewed and none of Part 2. Those 15 pages only are available here as well for preview. I do not take kindly to threats. I do not take kindly on my life being impeded on where it could had been far different now 5 years later or that of 3 when I originally publish my book for sale in 2019. I do not take lightly where things have gone understanding where they could go or could had gone. I stand by the American Dream and in some regards my first amendment rights. I stand by my rights as a human. I stand by my rights as a Student, Employee and Alumni to figure out how and why this book was impeded on without my benefit for years and attacks digitally were allowed to occur on my life and subsequently do catastrophic damage personally, mentally, financially.
My life and works were ripped apart and seemingly not going tobe fixed in any capacity when I went internal on anything and asked for help elsewhere. While I experienced and proceeded on with life from one experience to the next as everyone does. Life and stories add on and grow where it is never about just one thing or another. From what was in this book before going into any other works already submitted to copyright, what War on my Heaven aspect of thought process and coping did you create and wanted to take over for yourself without my benefit in this lifetime?
First 15 page preview:
I am sure there are those who know more and those that would like to know more.
-Philip Arthur Bonneau
Hi once again. Legally buy a book for once in your life. It pays off in sustainability against proven aspects of what happens when you incorporate things that don’t belong to you into billions of dollars of profit.
A Press Release on a Re-release on an Expanded Independant Author/Publisher/Artist/Designer/Illustrator Edition with Supplemental Features.
Curated Jellyfish: A Paradise Stolen.
A Timeless Classic about the Relativity of Time with Dated References or Simply A War-Torn Book.
7.2.2023 -Updated With New Links