Yah. Just for we are clear from Curated Jellyfish 2019 on, in writing I disavowed Lost ‘N’ Found from prior private emails and named properly who receives rights of my work if anything happens to I.
Comes with the territory of years of being attacked, attempted murdered and so forth and so on of lists of theft and motive to get rid of I and compromise my property and family’s safety while alive.
Sorry, no one outside my family has any rights to my work and there is not a single document of viability that would say otherwise.
If there was any question there, “Lost ‘N’ Found” is cited on another spread specifically as based on events of 2018-2019 and other life direction and leadership as not viable in a capacity of which they too would understand of sucide prevention acts to perhaps remember Barrie’s Lost Boys.
But considering the damage done already, Nevers are present in awareness there and still didn’t care.
“I request to see those sign affidavits...otherwise doesn't hold up in modern context thieves”
“imagine how much life could had been different actually building a community instead of chopping down trees, especially mine”