I can look at this a couple of ways today.
Yes, I understand what has been occurring in my Apple Notes.
Yes, it is documented and proven.
I still have to continue with life and expression because we don’t want to break the foundation of the digital age.
I understand the importance of such and in doing so the candidness of today one way or another.
Hmmm…a continued life of understanding and acceptance that there isn’t much I can do.
I reported. It is up to others.
Those dollars make sense in that regard so I am not entirely sure but understand what occurred and the liability here where there are those who know and those who don’t. I am just a layperson. A novice in one area of another. One localized incident multiplied by the potential of 300+ million. Was it just I? It doesn’t matter. The capabilities of such is there. Where was the advantage to understand the security feature of such to denote proven aspects of life according to 2018.
Often I do a recap around this time, but I love what I did then and simply doing this in reflection of what this year was. It is written and not as I still contend with actual evidence that the pen is mightier than the keyboard in one regard yet, the spread of information (none for my benefit or approval at this time) occurs in the outreach program yet to be discovered know I was probably never to benefit off my own work and still it was known of such in a multi-faceted document stating toward dissertation there and elsewhere.
I reviewed a great deal today knowing what I say one way or another is important. Strangeness found as this is Year 1 and what Year Zero brought.
Topics of discussion for the year.
Edamame (although the conversation at-hand was mukimame) This is very important. It involves several discussions and seriousness of such to know even if I was not the preparer of mukimame, it is a delicate conversation of such that should be handled with the utmost respect when placing of what gets tossed on a salad) Perhaps false advertising there and the audacity of such in that regard. Was it group efforts or solo adventures? In either regard it happened, it was witness and it became a highly contentious talking point.
Manderella (stories of 3 years trapped in a basement only to discover supposed invisible or imaginary companions in a one-in-a-lifetime first trip and introduction to Paris only to return back to work under the same conditions that could also be explained in interview processes towards one thing of a life that simply was a dream and legal prevention towards answers understanding the passion of such knowing tenacity to attend a meeting and not be late but to report back to work promptly in the same clothes as if nothing happened. (Although I had to spoil such when forced conversations were had denoting perhaps look internal for your answer before you paint me one way or another.) In either aspect, Manderella walked out the basement, reported properly and the rest is one thing or another. But proven such from the most important Square and cross-road for SCAD. A February adventure. I could paint it as a way as Undercover Boss in that regard as I applied and saw first hand what entities say or do of students into the SCADpro program. One may never know now 10 months later of at least I’m not back in the basement and I can breathe in reprieve outside discrimination and retaliation. A breathe of fresh air of understanding a choice on one side and once completely terminated and schooling suspended the day of, I social media the fact I transformed 1 answer to the Sphinx riddle, but actually did it with all 3. Outside employment while whatever happened of ‘Curated Jellyfish’, welcome to transformation to 1000s of years of correct answers, incorrect. This country is not even 300 years old and I didn’t even have the opportunity to go elsewhere if I wanted to. They made sure of that. That has happened for years. That history remains well beyond the hundreds. On American soil I fought on principle and considered the principals in this one and that cannot be taken away in this regard. A term is nothing to factuality and world history.
Wrongfully Terminated on Feb. 10, 2022. It happens. It happened before at PureRED under the same circumstance and understanding of what occurred was preventable. Time to breathe and realize school is done, that dream done and the understanding of what occurred happened to denote protection of others while in awareness of what occurred. An understanding of prevention yet, I spoke the truth and whatever interest in that regard on one side or the other was disregard of simply awareness of the fact that I protect those who are after I as well as myself and those who came before.
I picked myself up and did what I had to do. Field Day a prime example of such to throw yourself out there while understanding any detriment on opposing teams still present and available to paint one thing or another. Not every year does someone get to the Super Bowl, but i enjoy the aspect that done with secondary education was had understanding there was no respect for I as Student/Employee/Alumni. I’ll take my chances but really constantly rebuilding my life and moving on from whatever wants to just be a part of my life and too shy to talk directly and still goes into the under-reach towards what they like about me anyways.
I don’t find myself political at all, yet found myself in a situation where from the early posts on my own personally owned and operated website an explanation of a photo-shoot that occurred in December 2018 knowing what occurred during employment at Freud/Diablo and not knowing the they or which they speak in that manner. It doesn’t really matter in that regard as it was approved behavior by then candidate and from there 45th president that espionage is totally cool while also denoted emotions matter and influence does one thing or another. I recall what I went through in 2018—2019 knowing it led to a suicide attempt. In that aspect it is fair to what I talked to my employer and their contract partner in regards to entry on a sick day. I’m not biased on that aspect. Where this went after-the-fact was signed off approval of behavior after behavior. Such a waste of saying one thing or another about the spirit of America or simply the right to be an asshole to people. It exists in any level of such and understanding. Once privately, I always understood why it didn’t matter if Trump won or not against Hillary in the initial discussion. He would of commented on her presidency the entire time in either retaliation, bitterness or ego. It was best to let him have office. Let him pull out exactly what is in society while ego does its own thing. His refusal to say what he would do if he lost was enough to show character just as much as he invited espionage and did it while he was in office based on opinions of others that still hold true to the first amendment. A little different knowing when resources available might had not been available while I question if he did or did not receive a salary. I actually threw out the question this year that he might not be legitimately the 45th president on such and thus the damage of privilege of others also illegal because it boils down to he either lied to America or he had no business of altruism in office being a billionaire of such and loves flaws and exploits. It denotes private interest as he would not divest. I wouldn’t either as building elsewhere is had and completely still flabbergasted at the 400K presidential salary. I’m pretty sure it was invited interest of cabinets to understand it was not for America the interest sought as he divided it over a flag and even saying one thing or another. An upside down book remembered knowing I stand or kneel by what you divided. It is reflection and idealism understanding what occurred prior and what can come from thought.
- I know I said a great deal political on my website this year. From understanding or simply seeing what others got away with. ‘Can’t prosecute’ is nothing to ‘Promising Pardons’ with enough information to say the manipulation that occurred of those ‘under’ and lives ruined believing one thing or another. That was enough then. Called out and I reported to The Department of Justice the stance of prime example why this is why the 22nd Amendment applies to once out of office in a presidential capacity you are done. I still don’t understand it from a business sense to go a round 2 outside of actually pardoning those promised knowing it can’t be delivered or catching up and understanding at any point you could have united the country. You chose to divide. As a president you are a leader to all. That is not just the ones who voted for you in an understanding of where that lays. That is not a Democratic President or A Republican President. That is THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (not just of one party but of many) and their words matter in unity or discord. I look at the prior administrations actions as disruption of rule of law and towards favoritism that is an affordance outside of office. It has been made very clear by multiple points why he doesn’t get a social media output, doesn’t get a social media platform and it is for the best of civilization on why that is while understanding he too under the same scrutiny of recorded keystrokes, open mics or intentions elsewhere. Never an ‘insurrection’ uttered. The idea of such denotes a complete problem with the land in which you governed and you had 4 years to fix that privately or publicly. You made people doubt real news. You made people become divided. You made people say we have a free pass on espionage and we will send it to you eventually. How does that play out in your words televised and coming back to haunt you?
I think of copyright. I thought of it in 2019 and what I had to do. I know what was on the backside of my website in explanation that if I die (knowing I am not going to commit suicide again), none of these people are going to get the last laugh in that regard. With every copyright that is a part of American history and stored, documented and recorded. 70-90 years after I. What did you do in those 70-90 years? It is noted. It is documented and it would come out where neither you or I the advantage, but the truth is there buried or to the forefront. No matter your privilege as I am not a class warfare in that regard at all. Do you know how many people amass the chance for vacation and a life while there are those that do so off of others?! An understood discussion understanding what I protected earlier this year in photographic evidence and in United States Copyright of Lorem Ipsum: Child of Someone before going into what was compacted in Untitled Short Story I not even knowing how much of civilization is telling either myself or others the lesson of such. An understood as I continue writing my note knowing just today it was transcribed via email as I went and then stopped when I started to go into what they didn’t share and it went through anyways. I protected beyond the years of personal interest. Did so in 2019 when my life the forfeit and reclaimed elsewhere with strength to provide for others knowing whatever the personal motivation there, a belief in what I was working on prior being bigger than I in concept and beginning to understand. It that regard then and now, the only reason one would write in response is perhaps from knowing what I already did and going from there understanding the disclaimer before other books of knowledge and simply the human condition doing one thing or another. Beauty of such, to own your words and testimony knowing what occurred and what is outside the bounds of privilege and into vernacular.
I know what I wrote by hand and I know as of today everything I transcribed via keyboard was absolutely compromised. What is that damage? What is that arrogance? Where are we now? Doesn’t matter as I know I have 1500 in my bank account and perhaps I care for those who know while understanding the position I have been put in. Obviously I have a sense of humor but at what point do you want me to live a life knowing others do not and ready one way or another with the same conversation of what was understood in 2019. Privileged information denotes emotion and spinning one way or another. Capability of such denotes personal opinion either for or against. Easily done with information available. I understand what I’ve already experienced and that could never be taken back. From there an understanding that could happen to anyone and probably does. The technological aspect of such is amazing where if I the enemy now, you the attacker later. Impartial aspects in that where in my regard, public domain made so true of other people which is the shame and opposite of who I am. Simply an understanding that interest goes uphill, yet if this was a presidential aspect or even if I entertained the idea of privileged from a religious standpoint. What happens in public domain where separation is understood and still going to be revealed one way or another after our lives and with far more influence to embarrass or make proud. I imagine that a different step in the ladder in understanding the truth is out there and revealed after your death which still denotes either pride or simply keystrokes recorded and you did one thing or another.
I think today of the AI system of facial recognition and others thinking of ticketing. I internally challenged the idea of identical twins the matter before going back to the humorous aspects of Fraternities and Frat parties that are not of gender exclusive. Wouldn’t work in that capacity while the government in proven documentaries loves testing and separation of biological children only to be found later one. A blame of a twin known or unknown. It exists in this country where never the similarities had in connection to the fact that children split at one point or another. Try triplets or more in that capacity. I still smile of the ideas of joining Frats. Even females are a part of that fraternal coil. The opposite though is always an invite only but I still laugh understanding never I of a fraternity or Sorority. Snap cups available there in understanding interconnection and the humor of discovering adulthood and who and who doesn’t talk about one interaction or another. Nothing but praise in that cup from child to adult to simply college antics. I suppose we are all of the ’Snap Cup’ or the ‘Clap Cup’ when talking positive or negative about someone. Organizations know one way or another in comfortability of moments knowing there is a system to such talk.
I either regard and understanding, this year I have said to myself on multiple occasions, ‘I too am Bruiser’s Mom.’ A profound statement of being sought after in one area and discarded in another. Make-up required forced or not, weddings are important and despite the legalese of such, someone out there hears the plea. I do not have the outfits for Washington as I only came semi-close to Black wear in 2019 and all I had until Feb. 2022 was jeans and grey.
In any regard, a necessity of interest one way or another by people who simply want to ticket, cited and exploit. How do I process that in this regard? Considering of such of what I have been through. Even AI would say this looks like I but this is Siri or Alexa or someone else. Why the constant need to prosecute without understanding the facial recognition goes towards prime status one way or another. So many unknown variables to denote the common interest and simply something that could be challenged beyond a reasonable doubt. Maybe I have a twin out there. Students of prior employment say so.
I still content to the aspect that there is a long standing tradition that if someone famous looks like you then you are destined to not be famous. A humor approach as the same as Greek and Roman there are ideals and there are key traits. Perhaps a chance had for I or others, yet those seem to be the rules of a single ‘James Dean’ at a time and we process looks one way or another. The idea of sex symbology only goes so many ways and we cannot cross-brand accordingly. In either regard, humor of such knowing Highlander aspects of similar traits occurs.
I could go small or big in this year knowing it could go one way or another. I like to think of it as a continuance to dreams and carrying on. I’m full aware of what happened on one side or another and I have no interest in the negative understanding I have to state it anyways. The other-side is far more amazing, whatever happens to I, it is understood protection, acknowledgment and perspective. In that regard, it is simply as much as truth as what could had been resolved 10 months ago simply says others intentions go one way or another and not my problem yet I see where it could be for myself and others. An acknowledgment that I have a right to sue, will and it is completely proven the disregard of human life that occurred and what was unnecessary of those of knowledge of law and those of not. In that regard, remodels exist.
I came home one more time when torn based off of environmental life instances. Never a fault there as once again, it was proven true what was occurring. I could say the end of a relationship, yet in the same aspect I protect them just as much as I had to do what I had to do to prove what was bigger than us and simply a combination of many of things where digitally or vocally, you don’t know everything internal. I was valid to protect my family back in 2019 as much as I was to do so in 2022. That was proven today as much as it was proven over and over in what The United States could say was an investigation or simply money does one thing or another. I’m still here. Single for months and whatever the scenario was or is, I’m consolidated to the point that my family and the assets of my original works is protected and known in American History to be impeded on many times over in copyright works impeded on. The joys of the non-disgruntled employee. I care not for the long lasting aspect of Café life knowing it was not mine to begin with or of something I take much personal value. Do you job and go home I tell myself. School on the sidelines knowing the importance of what one thing is and doing my job in others. I still cited law and the illegality of such to the Head of HR and the general manager of my employment who gave me an opportunity for a job after what I experienced in 2019. I’m not really that interested in what was presented professionally. I know my last discussion in such is proven where once again they are wrong and anymore is complete damage to the school and what they stood for or what they got away with in the past. I was a friend, but I am already on the outside knowing how difficult it is to explain why one of 100 million a year would be influenced by another of 1 million a year without understanding what one or the other did. I am at peace in my record of EEOC and BBB in government control if anything happens to I and outside the ’non-incentive’ program of not trusting the foundations on which this country was built on. If that mentality existed and came about from 45, then all the more reason to re-look at things after 45 knowing he is never allowed to run for president again under the 22nd Amendment and calls into question exactly what I wrote about that when it comes to adult children and evidence and history on either side for others to objectively say one thing or another.
So where do we go from here. Obviously completely proven at this point my entire life’s work has been impeded on and wouldn’t stop. Was this government or cooperation? Perhaps it doesn’t not matter as I reported it such since 2018 and somehow can go through the list if ‘Curated Jellyfish’ to say yup…attached to other properties without my benefit as one wanted to do or many. In any regard, I continue knowing my legacy of something I didn’t think too much about but do now understanding it is already implanted in places of not my benefit during my life-time. A fond memory of life as I have no dream to express in such manner and really have not done so since 2018 where my life was stolen and if I dared to express such, it would simply be another avenue for others to destroy or look into. Each day loved understanding even if after college what occurred during it did not negate what occurred prior to masters and studying.
I look at this year as I had a chance of happiness and privacy and life. Others wanted in and here I am single saying what do you want? I say the same outside of SCAD saying I saw what 20 years later does to the educational system while knowing the corporate world and what became of it. In either regard, I simply understand discountment and disregard. I understand many things which still leads to what I wrote on one day or another knowing things prior to that and the happy ending of where things fall. Honestly, if you wanted my work, you did not have to steal in real time and could had helped me months or years ago in that regard.
In any aspect, school is done. No faith based on evidence and whatever the next year is, I have zero idea of such. It has been made very clear to steal my dreams and translate elsewhere. I keep internal and just keep on in this aspect doing the impossible everyday understanding the amazing aspect of 2022 and what got written and acted on.
Cheers to 2023.
Not that it matters if I privately type or not. Proof today that from keyboard to my email, someone did not give a shit about privacy and had not done so for years with I.
It is not like it isn’t known at this point what occurred and what is or isn’t industry awareness and standard. In all mysteries, there are multiple avenues to the solution. It is proven in 2022, the retaliation and impediment sped up after Feb. and The Walrus is one of many collecting one thing or another. May not be my Walrus, but shells and stories collected in what has been flat out invasion of a private citizen and undeniable. Outside the scope of what I could say one way or another as we have tackled many things this year. But at least it is understood that today, in real time, as I typed in an Apple Note, it was transcribed through my Google mail of paid service in real-time where they eventually stopped when I copied what they didn’t send through usually and still goes for intention and purpose to denote evidence of one thing or another.
Whatever happens next year I do not know. So much of my life and expectancy stolen. All I know at this point if I have enough evidence and proof of the prior EEOC claim to collect 100% of the proceeds from citing error and not needing a lawyer to do so while the other team’s lawyer has their own oath of position to consider.