I’m posting this tonight knowing that I have asked for guidance and I have asked for help. There is much I still try to protect but at there same time I said good-bye to a support group this evening. I did so knowing there are many who where never afforded an answer and others who publicly and vocally stated things left unsaid that has lead to questions of the detriment of my assets after the employment of what was a dream job for I and an amazing opportunity to be connected to marriage that I didn’t have prior on multiple fronts and that directly of Disney in what would always be in their vault and mine.
Whatever occurred in life after is always going to be a contention point for I on what was years unnecessary to my detriment once I created my own website of what I did prior to Alfred Angelo compiled to a website of necessity based on ‘unexpected’ closure which was completely false.
I share this excerpt knowing what I tryic to protect and the attacks I’ve had since from 2018 directly on to the point that it went places well beyond childhood topics and adulting. I fought my heart out to the best of my ability and I am doing what I can in a capacity of team upon team more than likely and you still cannot steal people’s lives for live a life of screwing people over and taking over their lives.
I struggled so much with my experience with Alfred Angelo.
I struggled so much that even when in school I was attacked. I struggled if that happened to me that could happen to anyone and I am sitting here with the children of the United Nations who are my working peers. This continued for something that cannot happen and yet it did.
Who wanted to make this a vengeful moment towards I?
I look at this as get out of your personal bubble and understand the damage that occurred in 2021.
How self-centered were you?!
I reflect on how I asked in the private Alfred Angelo support group yesterday to please remove the image of my dog, Lacey from their cover photo. I stated of such that she was a registered Emotional Support Animal to me and that was proven in the entire company in which she was the only canine allowed in such. That was done in understanding that she is a part of the former Alfred Angelo assets along with minors and children in which she will always be a bridal dog but always my legal right to say you have absolutely no control over any aspect of her image in any capacity.
I understand what I fought and I have had many difficult issues with thoughts afterwards. I had to deal with many aspects of first times and then grapple with the fact my assets were far more valuable than Alfred Angelos and that I revoked so much status from discountment and non-payment while employed towards the tail-end. I became a target afterwards and based on a series of events allowed to believe based on evidence of personality and trait that some people gave no consideration for my life or that of the unborn while trying to say story driven or system as go.
I state and say it can always be fact check that Curated Jellyfish: A Paradise Lost is 100% owned by I as Curated Jellyfish: A Paradise Stolen and any prior version of such is under my complete control.
That can be fact checked.
That is history in this universe and others that others wanted to build.
I present below what was my lasting gift out of context to that of an empathetic soul who found his way to bridal and dared to say Norman Rockwell to agree to such.
I have nothing else to offer other than this and I am not responsible for Alfred Angelo. I am not responsible for those who talked surveillance and didn’t want to respond and this is my gift knowing it is 100% copyright protected of knowing I have been attacked every way possible since the end of that company.
Everything below in text and image is 100% United States Copyright protect with I the ownership of such text and image. It is an understanding that what I present in part of what is copyright protected of ‘No ‘Starving Artist’s’ is my right and for my benefit while understanding that shortly after this was copyright protected this was illegally sent out through my email in the same manner of retaliation and unresolved issues that I never wanted to know about thst could happen to anyone. This happened and this is my right.
In Discord Fashion, an avant-garde approach. August 30, 2022 Philip A. Bonneau Calling himself out from 2014. Philip A. Bonneau.
Excerpt from Disney Fairy Tale Weddings by Alfred Angelo. I as Creative marketing lead and concepter of all Proof-of-Concepts and visual presentations with way too much responsibility on the backend but knowing exactly who’s castle I’m in from the beginning and how that translated later in multiple fronts and why I was there to begin with. Sometime in 2014…July…August? I’ll figure it out there where all-nighters involved in saving moments of undermined responsibility of those I was to learn from and did.
Sign-offs occur prior to investing to film. Discussions had and the phoenix-like image of my own factors into this from The Phoenix city of Atlanta to Disney in official capacity of being born of Drag-Theatre Bred in 2012 to taking on the most Sacred aspect of intimacy unions and Disney combined in plot-points and on a budget. Later in transformational acceptance from adult conversations to iconic legends of branding and what one did and didn’t hide in it while being completely respectful to past, present and future. If Disney wants to get into the real-life wedding business, adult conversations and advancement of brand is a requirement. At some point we are all adults who still have our childhood dreams that evolve through life not stunted by psychological immaturity in some areas. It is destined generation-to-generation there is always going to be mistakes, over-and under-compensation…(we are definitely in the under-compensation era but incredible respect of talking points are a necessity when going into real life marriage. It is not always happily ever after but you imagine it at first or whatever…it is a case-by-case basis on how those arrangements work out and some of that is a very respected cultural tradition based on preserving the stability and survival of family in cultures on the other-side. In America, the traditional color for a wedding gown is white. Overseas…actually red is a very popular choice with a whole different meaning.
‘Today was a hyper-intensive thought day. Always on the go and always trying to process and make things work out one way or another. I like that my mind has been on venture capitalism for quite some time and it comes from a distinct place of trying to find something to latch back onto. So many avenues to explore and the I think about what I have. (Venture capitalism - Seeking adventures that profit towards the value of life and expands upon it in sustainability)
One thing in particular to question…having not been properly compensated during my 3-years of visual creative control of Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings by Alfred Angelo in the capacity as senior creative manager, art director, compositor, retoucher, final signer before going to a company that has no input in the process and signed and went with it…do I own the unofficial wedding license on any future live-action Disney Fairy Tale Weddings? (This would be both reality and fictional) I ask as that story is important on exploitation, abuse and things other companies can reign in on for clarification and resolve. I’m a peace-keeper, but something has to change.
I ask in advance as 3-years in an officially licensed abandoned capacity matters in a Norman Rockwell sense. I was not there for the live-action Little Mermaid ceremony and I did not sign-off on Vanessa-Eric’s Wedding.’ -Philip A. Bonneau, Facebook post, January 16, 2022.
Case-in-point when dealing with duality and the things we do for family. A creative decision as I never controlled any aspect of dress design would be that when Mulan was introduced in the 2017, I actually would had and probably said it anyways that an appropriate introduction of her into ‘The Disney Fairy Tale Wedding’ line would had been in a Male Tuxedo or Suit opening up the door for respect of characters that did factually live while the question still remains on which one of the princesses did and did not actually live. Although I did not design the 2017 Mulan dress, the imagery matches the dress style and that is where we can join in conversation. Representation is important and I made very sure in our advertising to make sure as close to what budget could afford of proper representation front-facing.
The same thought patterns went elsewhere when they wanted to introduce Merida. In being Brave, you have to look at the narrative and what was not inspiration from the story and work your way to it rationally and conceptually through storytelling. Merida never would had been introduced in a wedding dress. She would not have allowed it and stormed off somewhere else leaving her mother to bear the burden of being the first official Mother-of-the-Bride concept to The Disney Fairy Tale Weddings line. But hey…what do I know? Those clones were brought in already on multiplicity.
In the beginning, there were talks of Anna being introduced that never made it to final production. I see why at the time where maybe…maybe she could or could not be hidden as a bridesmaid somewhere until her chance comes down the line.
With the inclusion of Mulan in the final year also came the inclusion of Pocahontas. Things were getting very real in the end and how one presents themselves is very important. I was slighted on the approach of the brand and let’s be honest. Popsicle sticks from what was before, but it was unique and deadlines could had been extended to properly deliver. If only I had a team… It is an interesting brand to bring respect to while it has it at the same time in where American brides at the very least are very DIY and heading in that direction in a majority. That trend and pattern comes from wage gap issues and not being able to afford nicer things while appreciating the mess out of what you have and working with what you got. This trend and fact was further proven during The Age of Quarantine when the DIY’ers had to survive with support of others from an International Health Crisis where they dealt with isolation, loss of family and loss of income and social security of making sure 6 ft. Away. That resonated in Paris for me. Very transformative that when people are buckled up and strapped for cash, they start getting creative on how to survive while also re-assessing exploitation in areas of employments. Some adjust to much simpler means for added life and happiness while no longer at the expense of ‘Self’ towards a company that you aren’t profiting from, just getting a paycheck or maybe you have coworker issues and found that working from home too adds happiness back to your life minus inter-office drama. We can zoom on that conversation a multiple different ways on when internally people actually prefer to have comfortable, safe environments that can be further enhanced through ‘Home Economics’, ‘The Rule of Ate’ and Paralegals in the HR structure.
Could be so much more, but we relate. Secretly, I even was working with Team Amateurs on trying to figure out if there could be a Star Wars bride. I say this knowing full well there were 5 different types of brides in me the brands I co-oversaw with an awesome Scorpio twin of vast industry knowledge. She too was disrespected by management at the end by them not even talking to her about important information of what was going on in the company and can attest to the rug pull moment of non-payment options. I think her and I may actually have major ownership of this brand in the long-term. Number 1 and 2 unite with the fashion side of this and you have a powerful team of wronged rights owners. Disney was already copying her and I anyways afterwards and I love carrying and honoring the past with me, just as much as she in my 3rd year let me spread my wings with support and watched vs. well…internal things elsewhere between year 1 and 2 of being ‘shown how professionals do it’. I’ll sit back now and watch.
I’ve fixed my other crowning moment and achievement on the America’s sides elsewhere afterwards.
Individuality is very important to a great portion of weddings these days. It is important to any social structure while understanding where you come from and where you are going in choices. Traditional vs. Non-traditional approaches where one is no less than the other to make something your own that is special and unique. It is very important to any wedding day especially as it is your own between someone you choose to be with and unite silently in private gaze or with family and friends to celebrate. About half the population know there are reboots all the time in that arena.
(Wait..Is this whole not teaching people how to cope and relate properly in society a ploy from those above the bridal industry to promote repeat business there? Is that what this is? Who has flooded those gates of hate in society to prevent people from being happy with someone or in life in general? Perception of talking points leads towards streams of conversations away from the bends and breaks of social angst towards living your life or solving world hunger. I say that in jest but at the same time…can’t do that one alone but there is ‘starving artist’ content available to support that at least there was a good DIY try there. Maybe I will accept as a major badge of honor a title of Non-Delusional, Delusional Artist. It denotes dreams of grandeur that one aspires for that may or may not occur without the help and support of others based on talking points, credentials and awareness of time and patiences in learned traits and practices. Persistence of dreams that may or may not play out down the line. Hope remains and you continue anyways through the sea of Delusional Critics and Authentic supporters. What is a’ Delusional Critic’? Is it usually one who could or could not be objective of their opinion where they too are spending their lives talking about other people’s works and accomplishments while trying to figure out that their contribution is really the critical analysis of those who are in a position to be front-facing, recognized and working. Quick slights pay off for someone in the long-run doesn’t necessarily work, but there are those that speak it and there are those who took it in, wrote it down and translated it into their lives because once you speak something it becomes a part of them positively or negatively where creatively it can be many things of empowerment to say no one but yourself is going to police your words, but in certain places your words and actions can be very policed and how that is translated in factuality is important. There are professional critics who spend their lives discussing their interests of what was important to their lives one way or another and how they translate that into theirs and how society can translate that as well. That is usually been done of the unspoken artist after their death while now we look at what contemporary art is where the artist becomes a brand and has to give so much more than what came before and allowed. I love critiques and critical thinking. The back-and-forth in messaging complex or simplistic denotes an advancement of conversation and thought counter to a ‘Delusional Critic’ who tends to break down talking points and others for their own gain or momentarily fleeting self-gratification. How does that work with a wordy contemporary artist that still leaves so much open for interpretation but weaves a tapestry throughout their entire low-budget career up until a certain point in full spectrum? Can you imagine me with a budget outside of what I’ve worked with prior? I can’t because it involves a team which is standard contemporary art practices.
The Bridal business is actually smaller than you think and they all know each other…franchisees everywhere can attest to that who all know that bridal is very emotional. Memories that last a lifetime is the start-game on their chance to be a major emotional part of a family indirectly. You wear their emotions on your sleeve. You are wrapped around their thoughts and that marriage is a silent blessing and thank you from our family to yours. This is why people stay in that industry while also branching out elsewhere. It is the sacredness of transformative meanings towards a happy life that eventually leads into children’s wear in some cases.
(I get it now…this is why you went after me wasn’t it. I talked about ‘Imagine happily ever after…’ and you were like not on my watch…I’m team repeat business here…I’m expecting 2-3 marriages out of people while you sit down there and say wait 5-years to have the blow-out after time earned and served in testing low budgets and how that works out in sustainability. Well it works. Rocky relationship but no bull on it’s effectiveness to future plot points.
In my final year of Alfred Angelo, I outlined it accordingly to set up the company for success while I took my non-compensated disrespected professional body (and work) elsewhere after moving things to a direction where things could had gone with the Disney line while still 5 other lines also in co-responsibility and 1 other one that I am saying is Truly Mine. When it comes to Pocahontas in particular and her introduction into the Bridal side of Disney Fairy Tale Weddings. Historical accuracy is to be considered in any adaption of the Pocahontas person while understanding the Disney side of it as a What if…? to reality. Taken far younger and too went over to Europe, the winds of her death echo in what can be a way to look at the animated film of greatness wondering what point of the movie is reality and what point of it is a dream and the after-life of what could or couldn’t be. It is with the utmost respect, and again a major honor to say that I own very exact rights to visual translations of any of the Disney princesses in some capacity that Disney may finally talk to me about. I own these rights from false promises. Exploitation. My Land invaded. My intellectual property taken, translated while I was completely disregarded and set to be ridiculed by society.
Disney, as proven in their translation of my life and property through the movie “Cruella’ have absolutely NO RIGHT to ever do a live-action Pocahontas without full permission and respect from the tribes of those who are sovereign to this land and when I connect with and my mother’s parents have given complete respect and introduction throughout their lives. They have no right to even Disclude me from that conversation that could be done at the same time or prior. It has been proven by haphazard franchising that respect is to be paid of any character based off of that level of significant with a door open discussion of Tears and what is not Disney’s arena anyways. From fiction back to reality, a change of seasons for those epic silent moments of internal reflections #memories from a starving artist who can privately talk about Thanksgiving in its transformative aspects that could or could not be a reality but already written down elsewhere. When introducing Pocahontas into the bridal line…that denotes age of consent and taking children away who die too soon. Mulan gets me.
In the end of where things need to transform in my contributions of my time in Alfred Angelo and 3 years of princess and queen trilogies, it boils down to I love my popsicle sticks that I’ve worked with. I love the popsicle sticks I’ve been afforded to work with. I love where my popsicle sticks came from and where the meaning behind them can go. I’ve elevated the popsicle stick beyond where it was before and that may be a single pedestal of popsicle power, but others too like popsicles and the riddles behind them. Throughout my life and my career I’ve been picked up and survived where I could while investing in my own passions on the side. From 2017 I’ve been brought down to a ‘Starving Artist’ status that while playing with my food elevates the ‘starving artist’ as a movement of discussion. That was done while not having a home but provided shelter with the second essential of life very important to me on the paths I’ve walked and the paths I’m leading for others. Perhaps I could be guided in the right direction or path. Plotted courses where not of destruction but of ideas to focus on and build momentum of change. I’ve played with popsicle sticks and I’ve done the shoe-string budget.
The fate of broken glass slippers. A non-responsibility response. Philip A. Bonneau Written and drawn 5/20/2022
Shoe String Budget
The idea of Shoe Strings as I look at a 400,000 dollar Birkin bag that I now know is by Hermès. The ignorance of never having that in my radar of price points is what it is knowing 1 bag is 2 years annual budget for Disney Fairy Tale Weddings by Alfred Angelo. Daunting knowing at least perspective of what I was working with as major leap from what came before of 10-15 dollars to 20-30 dollars(in Heroes+Villains) to that(Disney) and then back to 1-10 dollars in 'Starving Artist’ with the continued help of friends and family.
The idea of the Shoe String brings me to the idea of how there are several nostalgia aspects to the shoe string as a child. Leather laced, rope strings & flat laces.
As one learns to tie their shoes it becomes a connection with learning experiences and discovering the world. Lesson from any elders who show us one technique over the other. Would a Shoe-String Budget be of educational purposes then?
The idea crosses my mind on shoe strings on if they are tied or not, coiled as they are to help protect your feet and keep you in place while you learn to walk in them. Even Velcro could factor in some expensive aspect outside the shoe string. Imagine couture fashion wrapped around this in an elevated status of learning the value of concept and intrigue. The idea shifts to sculpture of Jeff Koons nature of laces tied in bows and patterns echoing childhood.
'Laces Out…Laces In?’ Could be a thing.
Wearable fashion of bracelets and necklaces of metallic nature symbolizing always learning and guided by others.
Can a dress or jacket be made of various shoe string patters or simply echo the ship in exaggerated form.
The tip important as much as the wearing in and out.
Diagram and illustration images of necklace application, clasped bracelet unified by plastic tip reference transformed into metallics and the shoe-string sculpture that echoes to balloon sculptures of Jeff Moons. Knot References. Possible collaboration with Tiffany’s on “Tying the Knot”.
I stick to the sculpture aspect of Jeff Koons & Tiffany’s. An awesome wedding present represent the unity of learning from one another and the bond of childhood memories to adult ones where seriousness & lightheartedness combine together. A statement piece where each is unique? I’m unsure the process, but statement of product & materials talk about the uniqueness of each relationship and the building from it with what each other have. Possible ‘have and have knot’, but always make it through. Aspirational goals of relationships & nostalgia of art introductions.
I’m alien at this, but I’m sure in discussion it is about the shoes & statements. I rest my Case, mate. Sometimes the bridal industry is fun to stick around in children’s concepts, famous artists, aspirational goals and wedlock.
I imagine the gift a great parent’s gift to their children as welcome a family harkened in the ceremony of marriage when actual knot clasping occurs in some, the breaking of glass in particular which can be remelted and molded based on specific substrates by the brands to be wrapped in instant connection of personalization of the event, the moment and the celebration.
Family heirlooms of personal connection that eventually becomes ‘our youth’ anyways based on the longevity of partnership. Or simply if impossible to control the variable, “From our house to yours. Congrats on tying the knot” - From the Tiffany Co. & Jeff Koons. The proprietary Tiffany Blue in interest that on the day of is always(possibly) something blue.
Side note - Jeff Koons - “Glass Monopoly house sculpture”
If specific glass is required for uniqueness, this brings in the design of glasses in particular which is its own separate thing before being transformed into the knot joined together from other elements. ’Strange what comes from looking at one Berkin Bag.’
Shirt/Jacket design, stitched shoelace patterns of a tornado.
laced pattern of shoestrings to form a tornado. I’m envisioning it on a jacket on the back in particular patterns interwoven of probably white or grey leathers. Grey scheme of colorations with subtle hints that can be pushed into subtle muted palettes.
'Tornado on your back.’ ‘Uplifting message or ‘destruction’ of an argument? Dream symbology accordingly to bigbraincoach.com/biblical-meaning-of-tornado-dreams
-'Something from your past is ready to get healed.’
-Biblically, direct messaging about the happening of the future. Protection & strength to face obstacles.
-If hiding from a tornado may symbolize avoidance & emotion that needs attention.
White Tornado - Peace & Healing, guardian angel. Could be also in dark tones as guardians also are there at night and in dark times.
-possible pregnancy but could also be the conception of a concept.
Shirt/Jacket design, stitched shoelace patterns of a hurricane.
Possibly inclusion of hurricane to reference the Odyssey? Questions as the region did/does not have hurricanes often. Typhoons in the other region of Pacific. “They came in like a hurricane””They left like a tornado” denotes placement preference of things seen and tracked vs. what appears unpredictably.
The second half scanned at lunchtime. 12:00 PM EST.
I think of the glass knots and what they represent in regards to my life experience. Thoughts before in Section J(of Curated Jellyfish) of the affects of negativity affecting people’s wedding by association of being a former Alfred Angelo employee. I shall contend on what was written in ’Starving Artist’ on my site and I think of everything written after to process that as my dreams and days were shattered into the areas they are today.
Was it from that experience that I found myself locked in basements of guidance and thoughts for 3-years?
The model with the broken glass slippers surround in glass and shouldn’t/couldn’t move.
A dress of torn nature but intentional in couture possibility. Beauty in the things that respect time and patiences. A heritage prior in some areas of mother’s dreams and parental union ripped apart for selfish purposes rethought to where stitches and creative decisions done with intention of seemingly haphazard approach?
Would the collection of those glass slipper pieces put yours and my soul at ease? Collecting them all and melting them together to represent limited editions of how to make things beautiful against from shattered moments of hope. Collectively they represent the time and the thoughts and meanings of them. Glistened moments were temporarily constrained by the thoughts of the affect we have on one another.
Lessons had on falling hard in what you put your soul into as that applies to the families of the supposed Alfred Angelo weddings. Swept together and combined, a story possible of outside that connection and back to the ideas and dreams of those that know that your day is important and supported with love. Heritage and history of fairytales that could come true in unity knowing that the meaning behind anything is what is important most of all with the realization heritage transforms once shared. This is why fairytales is one word and not two in the bridal business. Although hidden fairies in every tale, the stories themselves are not directly about fairies but are about the belief of wonder and imagination with watched over protection in unity. The common folktales prove valid argument. That comes with A lure of never forgotten lore.
Perhaps a way to pay respect to those influenced negatively of every picked up pieces. A brand promise where we learn as a child into adulthood and pass down that knowledge to our peers, friends and possibly children.
Everything broken can be transformed.
I suppose if I were to do a book of my trilogy of work with Disney Fairy Tale Weddings by Alfred Angelo from 2014—2017, it would have a cover of a contemporary art piece of Manderella’s Popsicle Stick Castle. Hidden with Riddles and stories added on of what happens when 3 years of fairy tales are engrained based on what happened in real life, both prior and after. Imagine two made and placed next to a single Birkin Bag on what had equal price tags for a season.
Hurricanes - As they can be found in dreams and in real life, they can represent many things of positive/negative connections. A slow moving force that builds momentum over time that always expresses gravity of situations and danger. Warning signs if by SEA, danger if by land.
Do hurricane and Typhoons negative affect aquatic life if never hit land? Biologically they sense storms differently and possibly preemptively. Change of behavior and dive deeper when perhaps panic takes over in cases. The eye of the hurricane represents calmness surround by elemental brute forces.As everything collides around in the changing winds, a search of center knowing things can turn in any direction based on volume.
As hurricanes have always been a part of my life it is representation of our actions towards others on a personal level, cognizant of reaching mental center when need be.
As a child of New Orleans born and Puerto Rico stationed by my father’s Coast Guard background from my time and my grandfather’s Coast Guard time before ours, as with Georgia and Florida, the connections to hurricanes can be negative in nature or positive in coming together after disaster when humanity is shown one way or another. To explain how hurricane have affective my life is still always appreciation to my size vs. the size of nature and others in humility and real life consequences.
Perhaps the symbol represents coming together for a cause which happens in any disaster relief effort of significance and notice. Center of focus with the eye on what drives you. An influx of thought where to some it could be destruction, but for I it is about build/rebuilding and coming together in banded patterns. A possible representation of knowing who you are, what you stand for and never backing down but always open for discussion with fair warning of preventative measures.It all depends on how you land the argument or anchor your point-of-view.
To see water spouts in a hurricane could suggest pocket areas of thought and centering being pulled into a bigger picture gradually which absolutely answers the (physical) negative affect on aquatic life. A precursor to connective surfaces where the sky and earth combine where 2 things are now wrapped around a center of thought. An agreement of two sides? Or a strengthening of an arguments in multi-perspective?
Tornadoes - Free Flowing thoughts that can go in any direction once they land. Patterned behavior where it is expected but room to travel and grow. More isolated based on conditions of perspective. Testing of positive/negative, hot/cold responses. Uplifting messages where we get uprooted from one thought to another. A thought that takes hold of you that when acted on leaves you in another place.
Most of these 3 are associated with severe conditions, yet also could leas to imagination and beauty when out of harms way.
When I was a child in Savannah, my childhood friend and I built a raft for the lagoon we had in our neighborhood. On the water in a sense of adventure…A slight tornado/sprout forms. A beautiful moment of wonder as if someone was there to provoke and provide imagination.
(Illustration provided)
Not drawn to scale but amazing as the wind was focused, friendly and went in patterns towards land. #truestory.