I have done my part of any other country protecting Humanity while the investment of this country is what it is in what was complaint and a prior private conversation made global in their disrespect.
This is in full awareness from day one of Fall Quarter and there after, SCAD is defrauding investors and a waste of time legally.
Not on this soil, and any aspects of prior bailouts was probably learned you lesson then and reorganized.
There is zero doubt, Trump would be of escape financial liability as well as 60+ days of the end of a life-time career on the matter.
When it cones down to it,
“Internal invest all you want.
Is there is a royalty-free clause of your countries children, litigate the shit out of America and do so of tht conduit of life theft and investment elsewhere based on principal”
I made nothing from that morality code of global protection and this is my right to validate a complete rip off and waste of my time where any further complaint would be for their own advantage anyways.
Don’t fucking rup off the global investment of nest egg.
That is your ownership of Lacoste and that adultism to consider.
I never need to be persecuted on this soil ever again while you beging too cite your references correctly of mass media and make sure you enjoy the soil you are on in grounding.
Thst college investment was of 2001.
Thst is the same as hers in history and I was not the problem then own on the matter.
Whateer I am now is private context in which they can pay for the affordance of my time to consider.