Everything below is United States Copyright protected and of their awareness of structure and protection. Consideration is had knowing in this audio someone simulated shooting my mother in which was validated by my father who was married to my mother for 21 years to confirm that was her voice.
This heartbreaking for I, but I held my mother’s hand in showcase before going into my father who confirmed of note of my love for my family and notions of validation in which others would do as well. This is undeniable what I have been through and outside what I cannot talk about and of any other brand or family of consideration on the matter.
That was my mother based of of whatever of this life’s time entity wanted to explore of knowing where they will fall and could have over and over at this point and then that is still my mother and you could have collaborated so many times over at this point.
In any aspect of Bwyoncé, knowing the name and meaning travels,
I am pretty sure I am done with beyoncé minor here and major is of two completely different brand recognitions.
Everything below was of my best, over and over as a son and child to make sure I translated the audio correctly and to the best of my ability to American history in which it is preserved of I.
I unvite discovery and letting me have a life of peace.
I held my mother’s hand during this.
I know there is invisibles with this in which I release.
Listening to the beginning audio. Non-variable aspects of consideration. Writing down what I hear of other people’s voices.
“Don’t do this.”
“I’m desperate”
Confirmed on Audio recorded yesterday of audio file of someone utilizing my mother’s voice saying, “Don’t do this to Me” followed by a Gun Shot. It has been listened to over and over to confirm and I place the audio file in this for your confirmation.
-Denotes deep-fake vocal recognition and simulation.
-My Mother is very much alive and afforded her privacy and I not here while knowing I am protecting the mess out of her to the best of my ability of putting my mind where it needed to go towards factuality and proof. It is understood there are subtle variance of radio-wave, audio and suggestion to still make one wonder a second glance at MCU Scarlet Witch and the whisper and spell of the ears and mind of visualization cinematically on where that comes from and what is known of “Suggestion”.
It is followed by the vocalizations, “He wants to see what sound design does to someone’s psychic abilities?”
(This would be from the cross-feed of connected to I, I’m connected to you through electronics and found a way to hear you as well.)
This denotes willful intention of psychological harm and damage while confirmation of unintended picked up audio on the otherside before output. It is understood as someone wanted me to see what sound design does has no idea how protective I am of myself, my family as anyone else would be (or maybe they do).
The audio continues...
“They arrested me.”
“They arrested me several times, they arrested Philip several times. They arrest everybody, everyday.”
“They need this proven.”
“He proves it. OMG Philip 68 people confirmed this.”
“He owns the rights to Sound.”
-This would be in regard to all Conjectures and Further Conjectures of Atomic 0 and -1 which is copyright protected through my works of “a spinster’s story”, “Underwater world” and “Change of Sea Son”.
-All of that is copyright protected and a point of where my life could had been at this point.
-I imagine the tragedy here is not so much the ANTICIPATION of when that would shift, but the awareness noted of what could had been resolved at this point and changed.
-Considering I wrote my books and find I am not really going to sit here and translate 2023, I have come to quite a conclusion of phase and change of season here. I’ve advanced where I could and considering the landscape, whatever pawn I was made of other’s awareness and problems I’ve more than likely solved those as well to no longer be problematic for others who seem to simply stall, hold back or select who does and doesn’t exceed in a backdrop of “I wrote the book(s)” anyways of an acceptance aspects of I can’t change people nor do I want to. Awareness was had and such could have changed. I’d say I’m done in many aspects while still will see “Chasing” to completion and other projects, but not one bit of 2023 can be translated alone at this point considering the landscape, what I could be provided of “How to play a character and not smoke doing so” and quite simply private conversations which seem to be an issue here collectively for a select few of pull from but didn’t earn.
“He proves it. He proves it over and over.”
-That is a voice of any racial background, nationality and still very much of affordance of national defense.
-I understand I have been racial attacked in this manner over the years. It is hard to get over that based on my “whiteness” in a world of I of peach color.
I understand that landscape and still not of my world of generation, nor did I invite it. I didn’t even like the use of the word “white” while
coming to terms to it in Antarctic capacities of knowing what others have done to others, what others have done to me and knowing majorities becoming minorities and that rotates constantly.
-Whatever the issue there, I accepted it and came to terms with it a long time ago of other’s personal experience. I set people free or paved the way for it. I sat here and defined “The Poly-Myth” in getting anything accomplished and the I am well awarer of the wealth of this world being of multi-origin to denote what was and was not regulated and still defining a difference in people’s vocal racism and their internal prejudice. I spent my life community building and to have such an insult come upon me in the backdrop of who I was dating in 2018-2019 is a complete insult of disrespect of even if you were in my mind at the time or instantly there that becomes problematic in backdrop in which I understand.
Ingrained one way or another or generationally move on from. At times I don’t know what decade we are in. It depends on those who influence this one.
“Beyoncé ,I suggest you stand down.” (Non-Variable)
-It is noted Bey-ance’s1
1Bey - ance: A seance of the vocal apparation and conjuring of Beyoncé in unexplainable ways of perhaps abuse of the use of the three B’s.
Could also mean the channelling of a loved on in a manner of interconnectiveness. name is used several times in audios and has even been told by I careful with using Beyoncé’s name. She is an established brand, of teams and of great privacy. It is noted as people throw around one name or another, it is in careful consideration I have internally reprimanded at time foolishness of doing so which seems to come from a young adult acting as PR rep for Beyoncé in which I dubbed, “Mouth of Beyoncé” while on vacation in MASS in which I was constantly attacked out of home state. It is understood, there is a daughter aspect to such there, but at least 2 variables non-Beyoncé family confirmed.
“Bailey Smith is the secret service’s favorite person.” (Variable)
(And “That little Faggot” just again heard again from “The Mouth of Beyoncé” who as a PR move was told yesterday in recorded audio, you are a child in a world where your parents expressall kinds of sexuality of adult ventures in which you are not equipped of technology or affordance on a private citizen’s computer. Regardless of race, nationality, gender or whatever, it is already cyber crimes little one and discrimination has no business at The Savannah College of Art and Design nor I imagine Beyoncé’s camp who too is of billionaire family.
I can’t speak for Bailey Smith’s family, as that would probably of secret service affordance and not I.) (I am wondering considering sound design, if that was the audio recorded by others yesterday in which I let slide, although aware of. Important for that as there is identifiable applications of within the mind translated anyways and I’ve been held to account for such over the years which is not humanistically possible and creates and paints a landscape of intelligence, awareness and affordance proven and of commercial build and market anyways. If it was a reiterate from yesterday which I believe I was just called a Faggot, I get it. If not, well you were warned several times and come from
millionaire-billionaire affordance no matter the reference point. (PS. thanks to the wonderful world of all eyes and ears on me in invasion of privacy, my sexuality has not quite been expressed due to many factors related to doing a solid for national international people and citizens and if that a SCAD statement well, your parents will tell you when you are older and if that in the Bailey Smith areas, “I told you…I told you stay the hell away from any of this and I asked questions in which you chose not to answer or speak to in what could be resolved. You would not have information of Audio in which others wished to frame me for Alfred Angelo. There are Uncle status’s here and flat out areas of my Intellectual property that got incorporated into areas of media in which are your passion project. If you wanted to constantly be a part of this, I will prosecute to the full extent of the law.
According of standards in which those of privilege can attest to, “This faggot has not practiced sexuality because he has to deal with those younger and of privilege in which they shouldn’t be available to based on clearance and psychology.”2
2 It is of note in my works the mention of recorded keystrokes on my personal computers, now with surround sound and more instant reactionary audio.
I find if you are going to comment on anything of the mind of sexual desire male or female you are at the point in your life of understanding your own pleasure and finding you are either male or female and pleasuring yourself before even thinking of interacting with anyone else.
The faggot mention denotes at best times of intimacy in which your affordance can be weighed as well as be fucked with on the vocalization level of, “Not of your privilege.”
The same thing occurred in 2018-2019 and that is still of other people’s family’s history in which awareness of affordance is tested and quite a difference between adult and what you pass down to your children.
In this regard, “This Faggot” stood up for everyone.
You need to remember that and know that.
That was a promise kept of other bedrooms in which you had no business being a part of.
“This Faggot” means that.
“This Faggot” will have that conversation any day.
I wrote that out, I protected it and spent over 20 years processing am I or am I not a Faggot in which to reclaim of self-learned behavior of morality.
Protect that on me and find all the advantage of “Pillow Talk” in which your parents don’t tell you everything and still throw down the that area.
You are in a place you are not prepared for and I find that is both of your desire and instinct as well as affordance and parent.
We intimately came to the point where, “If you call me a faggot in this capacity, you have entered in the world of love for same sex male or female and that is your own life’s journey.”
It will be amazing of button pushing one way or another.
In the context of this proof, do you want this to be remotely about your child in the backdrop of an attack on my mother and I?
That would be of anyone’s child and of anyone’s mother and the audio is there especially in the impediment already proven on “No ’Starving Artist’s”.
This has been years in any one of those “Beyoncé namesake moments of not one individual. Deal with it “Momma figure.”
That is my Mother and without the dollar signs of cruelty expressed.
-I play fairness here as if always in my head with others, then naturally they would know vulnerable points, area of attack towards I, completely unfair trials or due process and then of course we rope back around to the continual crimes against humanity towards I.
Back to audio documented.
“I cannot help any one of those family members. I refuse to let this go any further.”
- The Actual voice of Beyoncé. (or as close to audibly accurate as possible of my recognition)v(Variable)
“They cannot keep doing this.”
Followed by “Arrest them. Arrest those people.”
The Audio is non-variable.
There is followed by same voice of someone saying “I am desperate. They arrested him.”
“I don’t want anything to do with this.”
“I don’t have anyone’s support.”
“I need this to be perfectly clear. I need this to be perfectly clear. Donald Trump has no affiliation..”
This would denote awareness of Donald Trump or others wishing for Donald Trump to be mentioned, Not variable.
He still is a private business person, so I imagine the landscape viable of understood still not afforded, but there is awareness but not exactly his voice, that is important to note as it is a talking point of party of
private citizen’s computers and electronics and would denoted a need for non-partisan aspects in which all parties are aware of multiple points of hearing, “election season” or “save this for election season” in some of my captured audio.
“They are implementing everyone.”, Non-Variable.
Let me be clear here, sound design aspects do not negate what is already known at companies.
That is a willful attack and threat on my mother and myself and of abuse of power of private citizen’s electronics.
It denotes sadistic behavior in which needs to be addressed and
“They arrested me on Christmas.”
“I’m loosing my entire estate.” 1:20
“My entire studio is on the case.”
“THE CLASSIC is the least of his problems” -Non-Variable
The mention of “THE CLASSIC” is of developed concept and protected through multiple copyrights of my work of a open close electronic tablet that resembles a traditional book. This denotes awareness of product and of again impediment and attack towards motive point of Grand Theft and attacks on mental health of willful intention.
Phrases heard on track.
Variables aspects of not set in audio…
“Everyone is waiting for him to put this on spotify”
-I have never uploaded anything to spotify, local files from the computer can be played through spotify, but that isn’t an upload to.
“He hates me.”
-I still don’t hate people, I hate actions that can be changed at any time. People are variable of cognizant decisions.
“Seriously, how many people are listening in?”
-Who knows…enough not to rush reporting this to the FBI as it can be multiple party verified after years of electronic invasion on I.
It does give rationale to why I don’t make one cent off my works and they still get impedied on anyways.
I imagine that is a genderless, nationless, raceless answer of finger point and doesn’t seem sustainable and definitely not to I.
“Serious problem with this answer.”
-Yup, me too. It denotes not even giving anyone a chance anymore while all the chance cards scooped up by others.
“I’m listening to this as he goes.”
-I’m aware and imagine such. Tends to happen based on what could be the last several hours of private conversations that included CAH in the telling you “Don’t CAH” aspect. (Not affifiated or connected with anything Pussycat Dolls Related).
“He implicates….”
-Not really. Not my job, but, “You wanna see what churnal instinct does to one’s control factor?”
(You would have had to read my books to know the definition, or at least be familiar with a FB post from about a year or two back)
“He proves it.”
“You (me) are going to be Ranecia’s protogee” (Voice 1)
“But I don’t want him as Rancecia’s protogee, that was supposed to be my position.”(Voice 2 interaction with Voice 1)
-The alias of renecia still denotes awareness of my wrongful termination case and is in question on the usage of it and why as it would denote African American woman in which this is a woman(women) of power that use it. It is noted Ranecia also was not named in my SCAD lawsuit, but mentioned in evidence in EEOC and in Superior Court of Chatham County.
-In this areas, the sometime alias of Ranecia is referred to as Paula Wallace, a Caucasian female. (Also not named in the Philip Arthur Bonneau v. SCAD)
It has been multiple people figured out in that area, but glad to know the 1980s childhood beginnings of comprehension of corporate structure holds true in that of hives and then other people taking positions of power far too extreme when completely negating exactly what grants them power and protection to begin with, which is the fundamentals of a college institution, passion of foundation building and surely not retaliation during and post employment while ripping off my property.
Follow up based on previous accounts with my books, reports and an uptick of attacks on I sonically and of rational deduction why that would be.
Now looking at Federal and International Broadcasting Laws and Treaties in regards to radiowaves and signals.
Ok, in proven methodology of focusing and attacking I through all electronic devices, denotes either national security approval or national security problematic areas of attack on a private citizen. As both radios AM/FM involve radiowaves, as do electronic televisions, the jurisdiction in times of concern of public safety is of concern.
Even today, as noted before, the projection of vocalization through about 40-50 televisions at Planet Fitness on Victory Drive in Savannah, GA in what is constant attacks in some areas and awareness of support possibly in others as awareness of constant threat and endangerment to I has been noted.
It is concern here that there is still required possible infrastructure change even though America switched to digital tranmission of televi
sions during the Obama administration.
Prolonged effect of proven attack and willful intention, denotes that in radiowave treaties national and international, that that would apply to to read thoughts of the mind in transmission and of output, secure or block despite any what would be considered political advantage or private corporation as it iinvolves inaliable rights in which cannot be revoked unknowingly.
As proven to be a weaponized measure towards I, I find there is the interuption of subtleness of every station as it is regardless.
Considering what I have heard on the radio over the last 2 years, I find that as “International Broadcasting Laws” were mentioned at the gym that I would look this up.
This seems plausible to the point of the interconnected system and required by Federal law of media stations in general and why there would be awareness.
This becomes problematic in areas of personal attacks or opinions and then what has already been assurtained as truth.
As there are both commercial and privacy issues, these would had been present on since 2009 during the switch to digital and multiple record and infrastructure change.
I imagine despite what people have been noted consciously of saying, “We are trying to make a movie…” I imagine considering “No ’Starving Artist’s”, there has been been several movies, tv shows and political/private investment that has occurred in this manner towards I in non-stop aspects while I have cited of problem back in 2018/2019 and continued into the end of the year.
As that would be problematic for any American citizen of timeline of factuality, it would be of question of the prolonged aspect of continuance of a 6-year span.
By such, ethics and human life in consideration of what would be problematic areas for others in which I attempt to once again address for the greater good in a backdrop of what has not been resolved and others wished to prolong and continue with I.
There are healthier avenues and I have done a great deal with my life.
There are many wishes to be had in this world, but its the things I’ve begged for and then that which I have earned to what should had been affordance of sustainability and security at this point in my life that denotes conflict of wishing for anything in a world where everything was constantly taken.
At least in this capacity, that could be understood.
I imagine considering what I solved as a layperson, no doubt defense, NASA and others have already infrastuctured quite a bit already in their own problem solvings.
It is of note that it is exactly 1 year to the day since I filed in Superior Court against SCAD when they had all the evidence to resolve at the end of the EEOC and definitely prior to filing and during filing to still no resolve today of 12/27/2023. That was 12/27/2022. That is not the Stall Mate I am looking for in optics and open doors.
Brain does have radio frequency. https://public.nrao.edu/ask/can-one-detect-brain-waves-with-a-radio-receiver/#:~:text=Answer%3A%20Brain%20(alpha)%20waves,tens%20of%20thousands%20of%20kilometers.
“Brain (alpha) waves have a frequency of about 7.5 to 12.5 Hz.”
(I question what it means to hear at lower or higher frequency in that capacity, yet that is an internal question.)
If prior treaties exist then so too would the advancement of technology as well to read patterns
The connection towards privatization and in dramatization denotes that there are mental capacities that have been in markets unavailable for translate, or the affordance of them coming to market and then seemingly tested in one fault or another towards what would already be available privately and of defense nevertheless.
If one thinks it, then it translates and outputs in the body, thus too can be translated by others small transmitters and then from there output to databases for further translation.
Questions and of factuality of proven and protect is the fact of the other day of knowning transforming my phone into a radio transmitter and hearing audibly on airways in “radio voice”.
From there, the collection and understanding of listening devices from phone or everyday AI apps of listening to denote a possible structure of “within a certain range” of picked up radio waves and transmission to outside sources both private/public and of government.
Although laws and regulations would be present for such, there is still the human abuse and then of addiction aspects or of interest in which to contend to.
I imagine especially in the areas of AI as well in multiple listen and comprehending of interaction with (more than 1 person at the same time.)
Currently I am listening to classical where I am playing “The Four Seasons - Violin Concerto in F Minor, Op. 8, No. 4, RV297 “Wintrwer”: I. Allegro non molto” in the background I hear the voice internally from the speaker, “You shut this down. You shut this down now.” as if such a perfect song for such a non-vocal, vocalization of what most certainly would be applied to both political advantages for others as well as personal grudges, interests or even relationships in which others wish to control.
It is note that this is occuring through a year old Apple Macbook in which is fully paid for and privately owned by Philip Arthur Bonneau.
Imagine aspects of early Corporateolgy and apply that to a landscape of modern Corporate and then advancement into the digital age, and you seem to have a solution to wage gaps and power struggles in such a world where the understanding of sociology and acts denotes tougher skin or perhaps a little bit more awareness of levels of intimacy and protection.
Not quite the “Winter Soldiering Wonderland” I imagined, but then again, this is against the backdrop of the above audio file able to be cross-fed to denote willful intention of psychological attacks and threats on utilizing my mothers voice or close to it followed by a gun shot and then repeatedly going hard on me sense in the methods of audio infrastructure invaded by others and needed to get to a point of
Many plume de nom when it comes to direct/indirect reference, where enough of layperson’s discovery can denote of landscape of cruelty and of compassion on either side I imagine.
It would be the same as stating, “What would you want of your home?” while still remembering the idenifying cataloging of passing out Google Glass so many years ago that seem to vanish into obsecurity.
Always checks and balances, and then yet a home is a home. A connection is a connection.
It makes you wonder about the creation of “Space Force”.
Satellites travel and orbit and are not exactly over territory 24/7.
That wouldn’t be the same as considering international waters, as the radio waves bounce from one satillete to the next while considering such in less complicated aspects of APP to APP in doing the same in blanket affordances which still fall under national broadcast treatisis of at least United States soverignty of direct space above and then questions of international waters while other countries beyond other countries would more than likely say the same. The rotatary space aboce in those barriers are probably of protect under current aspects of technology and astrophysics of projection of radiowaves out into space. “The echo of “How Dare You.”” chime while I still quite fond of the solitude of Silver Linings Channel Surfer picking up on one tune of a planet and then another to relate, connect and empathize or simply dance in connection with my sounding board of figured out how to broadcast sound in space.
I imagine as this landscape has been around for quite some time and perhaps even pre-Obama and into the Bush era of NSA, there is an understanding how difficult it is at times to hear the actual vocalizations of things internal and then external of the home and find that hard to comprehend and to the point of interest that others would do that on any name of recognition, list or interest to begin with anyways for one reason or another. That is a natural instinct in which I understand and would try to at least say I find that sacred as well before going into the modern aspects of mind read of the comatose and then figuring out the difference between those sleeping at night or quite awake.
What are those blockers and protocols?
Latest gadgets and technology denotes interests and then cautions signs of new technology with so many questions of advancement of others prior and our own genetically or otherwise to denote that some may have figured things out one way or another.
Perhaps in a world of unresolved resolveable issues, you find the plights of one generation to another, is not so much the affordance there as innovation can come at little or no cost, but it is the affect and change on society and morality in which moves pasts any initial conversations of advance or simply flaws of selfishness. It varies I imagine where always so many emotions towards truth.
A lifetime is one thing.
A mark on Time’s Table is another.
I find myself a bit poetic of the seasons knowing I have many different unknown variables present ATM.
I imagine you understand my frustration and excitement as much as I comprehend the focus maybe had on you and what was I applied to I to not succeed while others did with my own property.
Far from any mental health issue for I, I still contend where internally in what is proven and done. “I was mentally attacked in 2 places of concurrent places of employment from 2018-2019 that lead to a Feb. 2019 suicide attempt. Despite all the best efforts of clear vocalization from proven electronics and real people, I will not by obliging that in any capacity in the future despite cruelty of affordance of privilege against a backdrop of morality. I’ve done quite a bit of protect and build and establish of the next 100 years protect in which in modern electronics is validated many times over and can’t exactly be taken away and incorporated without awareness or compensation of eventual private discussion.”
“I am a child of the 80s. Naive and aware of prior decades to still understand the awkward of internet in the house to imagination of when to plug in and plug out and do something else outside of electronics.”
All the same, The CLASSICal music never fails.
In continue surprise during The Four Seasons and ending with “The
Devil’s Trill” as performed Antonio Vivaldi, Joshua Bell and Academy of St. Matrin in the Fields.
I find I had to look up what is a Trill. You would know the intro as being played in front of Masterpiece Theatre and yet somehow still yet a dropping of an entirely different hotel on someone. A change of seasons very different from “Change of Sea Son” although could had been read as “Change of Sea, Son.” but I didn’t want to be gender biased and it was about a change in I and core shifts and processing what I had already learned to move on and shift with tides.
Ever imagine the landscape of being within the mind of Walt Disney on multiple fronts?
He banked the house on “Sleeping Beauty” for one reason or another of a Renaissance and yet here we are all these decades later of understanding the author of “Sleeping Beauty” was never compensated for their work nor saw it realized afterwards before their death. Makes you wonder the questions of design of “Starving Artists” and what we leave behind of our generation and for future generations.
“a quavering or vibratory sound, especially a rapid alternation of sung or played notes.
“the caged bird launched into a piercing trill”
“Back in your guilded cage Melanie Daniels.”3
3 Quote from the Alfred Hitchcock movie, “The Birds”
Note for copyright,
This is a PDF with an engrained Audio file in it.
Is that dual protection of a Circle C with a Circle P as it is transcribable and worthy of two copyrights, but considering the affordance of landscape and of budget tight.
Perhaps it would be of Circle C and not of Circle P as that is different and yet still protected to the possibility of Circle P in which comes with a separate protection clause in which still the original sound file. I have already Circle P’ed the original audio file in which advance upon so I find that any other version would or would not be derivitive of the original and quite a problematic aspect of the landscape of modern copyright in which the great Ed Sheeran stated, “Everybody does it”
paraphrase while I sat here and questioned stairway to heaven multiple ways of a one month year old experiencing “The Dark Crystal” with his mother and that translating in my life and then even the fact of with “Stairway” of two bands of connect and finding too the same of illustrators and authors in directness in a world of indirect.
Not for nothing, at least the audio is protected and that was my mother or someone playing my mother or modern technology.
At the very least of derivitive copyright, that is biologically my mother’s voice and I of biological claim.
I imagine if someone wants ““He wants to see what sound design does to someone’s psychic abilities?”, imagine what I can do in rights affordance against your willful vocal disregard of human life and trackable.
Also the clear continued landscape just opens the door for more motive and attack on I on the digital front that considering methodology could still fall under “abuse of power” and privatized for corporate espionage.
All of which I claimed and reported as occuring to I since 2018/2019.
The ancient hashtags are going to be around for awhile.
Please consider the audio which is imbedded in here and you don’t have to tell me how some of it is variable and some of it not, but someone is playing sound design with threats to myself and my family in manners of which I have repeatedly reported and has continued with major incentive of motive on my property and seemingly political aspects impeded within the audio file.
-Philip Arthur Bonneau, 12/28/20239
Audio is from my own private property and has already been copyright protected in earlier forms of such sitting in copyright. Rights of usage for I come from privacy of hime, own electronics and car and phone. It is of note that when I speak while playing Spotify, my voice is heard through my computer in echoed aspects as if in another room. A terrifying translation open mic