Recaptured My Own Shadow Today as well.
Was done in silence where one could look to that of 15 pages per book to see it has been an on-going discussion and battle. Recaptured so much of my life prior in ‘No Starving Artist’s’ only for that to go right out the door with others one way or another through my email and not of my own accord. I think of such of that too copyright protected that I don’t share such because it goes to a place where yes, something has happened. I mean no harm but harm has come to my doorstep and best I can do is document, layout a basic understanding with proof and go from there. That version not finished here but finished elsewhere is 100% also US copyright protected. I play where I can or call out simply what happens when those of power indulge in one thing or another to the point of character development of simply truth. Ugly at times or can be played with in accordance of understanding any reclamation then was understood and what occurred also understood and remembered.
As I wrote on the blogger that was initially attacked and deleted by someone that I don’t know as well as my Tumblr Account which I have reached out for search on, I find it important to say I’m not playing with you. I am not playing to hearing this private blog discussed in an office setting in 2019 then which lead to my suicide attempt and I am not about to play with you in any aspect of it was private and not available for the public to begin with at the time anyways. My blog of 2013 from that solo art series showcased in Atlanta, GA in 2013 is 100% protected in the United States and by understanding of World Wide Web and technology all over the globe connected, it is protected and documented in all aspects in accordance to International Copyright or what should be International Copyright laws taking into consideration those that bypass such or simply bounce to other countries.
In accordance to all applicable laws and statutes available, No one has my permission in any capacity to sit here and digitally delete my life's work off the internet for their own gain. No one has any rights to anything related to Ugly Simple Truths or my work in Shadow Selves or that of exploration and how I approached it. My writings are completely protected, not for translation and rebuttal and the original companion book was never made available for public sale to begin with when it was originally produced in 2020. Hindsight proves any aspect of such was looked at, it has been known to be creatively exploited and that is my shadow that I recaptured and no one else’s to translate which is far beyond entertainment in it’s value.
That protection is in both in artistic image and in written blog form and any version there of is 100% legally protected from impediment under two different copyrights between the art book and the companion blog that was produced in a never before available for sale aspect. I am not just protecting myself, but those who invested in I, that series and what it represents. That pathway of 2013 is mine, always was and not a single version or iteration of it outside of my control is allowed because someone willfully tried to delete me from the internet and my contributions of such.
Please refer to S.O.S.: Sense of Space (Part 2)
Ugly Simple Truths (Artbook) - Copyright TX9-217-178
Companion Writings to Ugly Simple Truths (The ones mysteriously missing from my blog but never forgotten) - Copyright Txu 2-359-056
-Mr. Philip Arthur Bonneau
I’ve earned the Mr. in this aspect.