W-2’s of full earnings for 2024.
That was fun and at least disclosure for one reason or another.
-Philip A, Bonneau
Follow up Added 1/25/2024
Good news, I can write off the legal fees associated with my SCAD lawsuit in a factual recorded amount of self-representation and officially held and submitted to public record. Time was accounted for and placed on the matter, yet any return is capped at what was taken out of so it wouldn’t even be a percentage of what was owed in factual and actual legal represenation of self, defending not only myself, the entire college system and whatever needed to be on American Soil to a point I really am done on the “Solo” factor here to say “history will do one thing or another on that.”
That should be fun.
The amount was not disputed by the state or opposing council, whom couldn’t respond to public record legally anyways.
The amount was submitted to the court in knowing of perjury if falsified and was accurated explained on median amounts of fairness. There would not be a federal problem on this issue as the legal aspect was reported federally as well and it was both state and federal obligation to resolve anything that incurs legal fees of longevity as they are required to uphold constitution and state/federal law. I did not perjure and the amount was factually based and supplied in 2 arenas
It isn’t like SCAD isn’t going to write off their legal expenses as well anyways, which becomes a conundrum of perpetuity and longevity with the legal world. You can literally write off legal expenses every year and recoup some of that, but then recoup all of it when you self-represent out of necessity of landscape. That is not a negative or positive on the matter as I move on with my life and see where that goes into the new year.
Please be mindful it is still illegal to impede on someone doing their taxes which was a known issue now proven since 2019.
If anything in conclusion, here is what I have learned of Tax Code here.
Tax whomever all you want at any percentage, the more money, the more itemized reductions to retain the full amount back which was borrowed by the government and they sustain off the interest aspect in hold during that time.
Amazingly I can see where that becomes more affordance of chances in life where right-offs on many things of business is what it is, and still probably why people don’t divest in some cases into trusts for a period of time. They become liable for different rightoffs that may or may not be limiting to what they have grown accustomed to that becomes basicallly, “I pay a great deal in taxes, but I write it all off legally.”
No conflct there on that, completely understood at at least I get around 3000 dollars back this year.
In fairness, I don’t see an argument.
The wealthier percentaghes are basically acting as bank loaners in trust to the government in which they can or cannot afford for the year temporary to get it all back the following year and repeat of whatever interest is there.
Harder for the middle and lower class to do that, but at least thats an across the board understanding of respect.
My W-2’s for 2024 are showcased the disadvantage of financial I was in while weighing the weight of my accomplishments in art, literature, human rights and civil liberties while trying to uphold the constitution and be as best of an internal model citizen as I could be while the physical aspect is maintain and gym without the weight of what others could afford to just get paid for one way or another.
I rather enjoy, I am never a classist here, but still continue to learn everyday along with the wonders and joys of what I and others can do while setting up boundaries where if anyone wonders what I or others do, “Be mindful of boundaries and private property as we all stand our grounds one way or another.”
In further follow up since I now know the write-off clauses of interest gains and losses.
Look. Stop with the iteration of prosecution here or if you are using that as some legal ease to impede on everyone else’s electronics.
Considering how long this has been, the community might be aware at this point and you are not my lawyer, so that you need to be very careful about in community building or breaking exercise.
To no one's surprise of capitalism, that area was exploited and that can stop because the indirect continual prosecution comments have come to the point of “Do you want to keep your license and credibility or are we just giving up on any aspect of privacy on this matter and onto barter systems where it doesn’t matter how much money you have as it would be worthless in comparison to community building.
We could and can talk normal at any time, but I am still saying I’m done with your legal loop holes here in infinity loops and hum-dingers.
Seriously, you have people who have placed enough in the real world to let us all enjoy life a bit or consider what reconciliation of past actions of others is like.
Trust me, I am sure I am quite entertaining in legal thrillers as well.
and still pretty humorous about it.
Anyways, vying for a home office position or a very much needed vacation with privacy re-learn and travel plans of my own adventure that could be supported or at least protected in the near future while alive vs. whatever happens if I no longer here and that all incorporated or reviewed anyways.
Happy Tax Season. :)