I write this now with navigation on my site not working at the moment. I’ve managed to get here through clicking of some areas. Is this a glitch or was this an attack based on yesterday’s post? It is not uncommon at this point as Feb. 15, 2022 was a direct attack on my Facebook presence and followed through with one of my held back copywritten works of art that should clear the way for what the past 2-3 years has been in follow the tides to those waters. It has since been fixed but brings the reality of sense of space that has been created.
As daily I have have witnessed modification to my social media, the safe space of a privately held website is more protected than social media platforms. They knew that. They have always known that. As internal folders opened constantly on my site I’ve asked to “Tidy Up” and have reported what I could when I could.
I’ve adapted over the years (documented over a decade now of helping the common good through my work). I refer to The Golden Rule that is practiced globally and in most religions. Regardless of your belief system it is about doing unto others as you would have done unto you. It is the foundation of how to live and be admired/respected or at the very least acknowledged. If we do not treat each other in a capacity of respect for one another then we shall be doomed to repeat past mistakes and stories that have already been told and learned from collectively. Individual journeys of lessons and experience should always be dealt with compassion or wonder of watching identity form as people become who they are supposed to be with guided/unguided hands. To hinder a reflection of the mirror that some accept and some look at in shame. To promote or guide in a positive direction a worthwhile endeavor where indirectly/directly you made a positive difference in some one’s life story and journey.
There is always the unexpected negative results that occur along the way. Communication helps heal that if possible or if it cannot be resolved/fixed/maded up then there is always the pay it forward approach of don’t do things that hurt others and constantly learn from where you came before. Unknowingly we touch people positively or negatively every day. Maybe one day these words affect you one way or the other. We are emotionally-based and expression is important to craft and mold through out our lifetimes.
The advent of social media created an explosion of expression. So many people who never had someone to talk to suddenly discovered that so many others in the world have been looking for the same thing. Connections. Acceptance. Casual Talk. All of that builds into relationships of friends or more. Through social media through the prolific MySpace and Facebook to the dating sites, identity is formed as we reach out to connect and discover who we are while learning who U are. We discover together who we are in those spaces that once where land-lined or handwritten telegrams and letters.
As my experience has been in life, I’ve dealt with bullying, non-acceptance, questioning and struggles. I’ve experienced the positive side of the world as well. Friendships, connections, comradery…there is beauty in looking past the negative aspects that people do.
To answer why someone willfully attacks someone negatively is not a question I am prepared to understand. The Golden Rule is pretty strong in me and I’ve fought my good fights against those that have their own journey stories playing out. As I’ve never understood personal attacks, I know it is also from not knowing me very well if at all. I imagine that is the same for other people. Misunderstood guidance of not knowing people’s life story or not caring to hear it anyways? Always have been an open door and have tried to evolve my thoughts along the way.
Amazing how I referred to this place as a “safe space” yesterday and boom…”a glitch” occurs and now I think of the other known “safe spaces” that were invaded. One week into an apartment finally in Atlanta after a year of couch-surfing and rebuilding from Alfred Angelo’s Company end and boom….something entered into the work place that disrupted that feeling of finally having a home again to call my own knowing even rental spaces are homes made and never owned. I stand tall during those months after figuring out what was/is provable to getting conclusive answers and leaving as breach of contract was had from both the contractor and the company that was to protect me. I try to make it to Macon and spent along the way, mentally exhausted. Confused I stop and work my way there before having someone else drive me to Savannah as I slept in the backseat of my car drained and spent. I find a new job that is permanent and not contract 2 months later. Starts well and first chance of entry, someone came in and disrupted again. Things heard that cannot be disputed and definitely grudged in nature. I knew at the other company of phones for sure. Found out at the other one phones, computers and mirroring of screens.
As I listened everyday it was to survive as food was needed, bills to be paid, a roof to maintain over my head. Comments against my loved ones heard as blogs published and unpublished were to be used to be attacked while every version of my website held. The final day there was a breakdown of knowing someone’s words could have changed the course of the entire past year. From that I attempted suicide.
11 days away, I know not what happened on the other sides. I am sure it is known by some and I know their hearts will have to answer to The Golden Rule. I was fired the minimal 3 days required citing “job abandonment” when there was calls made to say I was in the hospital. With everything that was going on, they knew. They made their decisions. I made mine and then walked back from it and reached for help. That is the last time I would ever even consider suicide as it is a gift every day to come back from that (which takes time…so much time). If it wasn’t for family I’d be on the streets anyways and probably dead one way or another.
I rebuilt in the comfort of 20 years of knowing someone in a capacity of a “safe space” that did quite well for the first 1+. COVID affected any place of business, but there never was an issue and always trust in rebuilding a place to work in comfortability know NEVER would the last 2 conjoined situations ever happen there. Comments made of “They have tried this before.” occurred and I imagine similar actions of pressure could have been placed on others to go in different directions. I sense that pattern of connection. At some point “the safe space” got attacked on a professional/personal front. Never was the same afterwards no matter how I continued to survive/thrive/do my job and work towards a new life. The “safe space” of my residence definitely invaded and property taken that again go back to the conjoined companies and the history there. The came the “safe space” of my social media profiles and then the “safe space” of my life’s work attacked. We persevere and I continue to push myself in way that could help so many people but once tapped into external drives that no one belongs in and actively delete, then I do not have sympathy for the actions on why that is. I don’t because I don’t understand how one could get there to begin with and now I see the high money value of what I’ve done and what has been ripped apart. Even my own works I spent my life on I question if I could ever sell again knowing that was allowed to happen. I’ve accepted the phone for quite some time knowing it too an art tool of expression and established. I handwrite now knowing at any time since already invaded that those books could go “missing” knowing they would just appear elsewhere to someone else’s benefit down the line.
The journey from suicide attempt and breakdowns of information overloading of collecting everything internally to protect is not a journey wished upon anyone. With no internet I repeat my steps and have built from there knowing it is a guided un-numbered paged book in a version that may never be completed in a final form of by myself. The journey takes years and the situations call for adaptability and change which I do well to a certain degree.
I am writing out my copyrighted #8, The Golden Rulebook. It is important to note that we are not always going to be here and when we are gone it is the memories others have that hold on or transform how one thinks of others and of self.
The Golden Rulebook, Philip Arthur Bonneau, 2/25/2022 1:50pm EST
The social presence lasts longer than a lifetime. It is important to brands. It is important to public figures. It is important to the everyday person.
In the age of hacking and willful intent, it is important to lock down abusers who would cause damage to a social presence by adding/deleting/editing content without permission across any platform.
As trustees are assigned to specific platforms in the event of death, a social presence has become a footprint to identity and a digital marker used for memories, data collection & litigation.
In discovery it is important to note & report when acts occur as duty-bound individually and as organizational official capacities.
At the time of this writing at least 2 of my social media accounts have been tampered & reported. It calls into question any social media post as either being done by me or not while questioning any edits that could not be completely validated in the event of death.
As with interaction on social media & the WWW, our comments last longer than a lifetime and should be fair warning on what you put on the internet. A reflection protected by free speech, but imagine any figure, public or private, collecting what is on the internet & making a keepsake (not-for-sale) of things on either side to remember the good & the bad & also the hilarious.
A warning to trolling…
There are good trolls and there are bad trolls.
Watch the hate speech, but as always free to say whatever but sometimes there are unexpected repercussions.
Philip A. Bonneau 1:06PM (although I am sure this is 2:06PM), 25 February 2022
I share that knowing today a modified image appeared in my memory feed that makes no logical sense to me as I own the high resolution image if I were to modify it and the inclusion of the modification would have changed my entire perception of an image that is not allowed to be modified. As one passes, in such this case, I look back at the memories of those I’ve connected with that showcase I had the files available and constantly grow, remember and respect.
With my digital presence still growing in importance to myself but maybe to others, I’ve noticed the modifications and even when people delete files. In the end this copyright work of art throws all of that into question that will always be where other people can tell that story one way or the other. But major changes here and there have added up in things I just can’t touch or work on anymore in fear of retaining what I have left and not connecting it to the internet/computer. Even this website, a time bomb if I do not renew it every year. One day it will disappear and it will never be while I am alive. If ever.
The Golden Rulebook is pretty simple. Our lives mattered. Our words matter. Somewhere decades/centuries from now, that data will still exist and there will be judgement or analyzation from unknown strangers trying to figure out who people were or are. As we leave a visible footprint, invisible footprints are made every day that create a pattern of reflection and circumstance.
If I am to be continually attacked so must it be true that I could be continually protected over watchful eyes on either side. I fight from a place that is not what is always expected…with an open heart but strength built over time to one day be able to have a life of normalcy again or one of security knowing any person would want the same for themselves.
Thank you for letting me speak while I have what I have.
-Philip Arthur Bonneau